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Galapagos 11 Day Cruise | M/C Galapagos Seaman Journey

11 Days
From NZD 13,959

STYLE: Small Ship Cruise

Trip Code: GATSSJ11

DIFFICULTY RATING: 2 (light adventure)

Start: Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Finish: Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

SHIP: Seaman Journey


Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

DestinationDeparture Date

Selected Fridays


All meals, water, tea & coffee while onboard your Galapagos cruise


Group transfers in the Galapagos to & from your vessel 


Cabin on board a Catamaran Yacht

Enquire Now

Included SightseeingIncluded Sightseeing

Daily excursions, panga rides, shore landings and expert briefings while onboard


* Itinerary is subject to change depending on weather conditions and government regulations.


M/C Galapagos Seaman Journey is a first class catamaran offering superior comfort, size, style, and stability. The Galapagos Seaman Journey makes it possible to enjoy several cruises in the Galapagos with different itineraries that include amazing land tours on most of the Galapagos Islands. During these Galapagos Cruises, guests encounter many endemic species like Galapagos Giant Tortoises, Penguins, Land and Marine Iguanas, Frigate Birds, Blue Footed Boobies, and much more!

Please note that the below itinerary is a guide and that itineraries vary depending on departure date. Your sales consultant will provide you with more details on the different itinerary options available and applicable departure dates.

The Seaman Journey Experience

M/C Galapagos Seaman Journey is an expeditionary first class catamaran that began sailing the Galapagos Islands in January 2008.  Superior comfort, size, style, and stability are what you can expect when choosing this catamaran to fulfill your Galapagos adventures wants and needs. This vessel, with a maximum capacity of 16 passengers, provides in each of its corners, areas for rest and recreation for everyone. For the adults who might want to relax and kick back, we offer a great bar and lounge area where they are served by our bartender whilst you relax and watch the Galapagos go by. Make landings on sites that offer beautiful scenery and the ability to get up close and personal with the archipelago,  accompanied by the knowledgeable staff members found on board who will offer you intel and insight into this magnificent part of the world. The M/C Galapagos Seaman Journey, another jewel from the well known Galapagos Journey Fleet, the perfect combination of adventure, comfort, service and excellence that offers four, five, eight, eleven, twelve and fifteen day itineraries. 


• The Seaman is single use plastic free • Reusable water-bottles are offered to all guests • Naturalist guides offer educational environmental lectures to all guests. • All guest leave with a deep love and respect for nature.

The Seaman also offers a 4 day cruise, 8 day cruise, 12 day cruise and 15 day cruise.


* Itinerary is subject to change depending on weather conditions and government regulations.


PLEASE NOTE: Pricing is subject to change and availability at the time of booking. Contact us for more information.


Fly to the Galapagos - Santa Cruz Island

AM: Flight to Galapagos / Ranch Mazanillo

Take a morning flight to the Galapagos from Quito or Guayaquil Airport. The flight from Quito to the Galapagos is approximately 2 ½ hours and from Guayaquil it is approximately 1 ½ hours.

On arrival at Baltra Airport, you will be met by your naturalist guide who will collect your luggage which is directly taken to the Seaman Journey Catamaran. Your journey however will begin right here as you are taken to Ranch Mazanillo where you can see giant tortoises in their natural habitat. The visit to Ranch Mazanillo includes a picnic lunch and a short walk before you board the Seaman Journey, where you will be welcomed by our crew.

PM: Highlands - Santa Cruz

In the afternoon you will journey across Santa Cruz and into the highlands. You will be delighted by the island's variety of life and geology. Beginning at the coast and travelling across Santa Cruz, the road departs from Puerto Ayora climbing through the agricultural lands and into the mist covered forests. Santa Cruz possesses all the various life zones present in the archipelago. As you travel through these zones’ birders are enchanted. Whether it's the bright red feathers of a vermillion flycatcher or one of Darwin's finches, almost every bird present in the Galapagos can be found here. Santa Cruz also offers excellent opportunities for viewing and tracking wild Galapagos tortoises. There are also plenty of lava tubes, sinkholes and craters to explore. Theses eerie formations offer a fascinating insight into the volcanic make-up of the island.

Fernandina Island

AM: Mangle Point

Mangle Point lies off the eastern coast of Fernandina and is a superior snorkelling site and a beautiful location for riding in a panga or Zodiac through a forest of mangrove trees. You are likely to see penguins, sea lions, pelicans, rays, marine iguanas and numerous birds.

PM: Punta Moreno

Punta Moreno is located on the north coast of Isabela Island between Sierra Negra Volcano and Cerro Azul Volcano. A trail runs along a pahoehoe lava flow (solidified lava with a smooth, shiny or swirled surface), into a complex of coastal lagoons. The main attractions are several species of birds that can be found around the lakes and mangroves. Three species of cactus are also found here.

Isabela Island

AM: Urbina Bay

Urbina Bay is located at the base of Alcedo Volcano on the west coast of Isabela Island, between Tagus Cove and Elizabeth Bay. The most unique feature at Urbina Bay resulted from a major uplift of the island in 1954, when a 6km stretch of coral reef rose up 5 metres, leaving marine life stranded on the new shore and coral exposed on the land. Urbina Bay has a path that starts at the beach where a wet landing is made, and takes you through the sand, pumice, lava, coral and vegetation. Flightless cormorants, pelicans, Darwin’s finches, giant tortoises and land and marine iguanas can be seen on land, whilst rays and turtles can be seen in the bay. It is an ideal place to see red and blue lobsters and a great place for snorkelling. There is also a large amount of interesting vegetation including chamomile and rosewood, as well as the beautiful flowers of the Galapagos or Darwin’s cotton, endemic to the Galapagos Islands.

PM: Tagus Cove

Tagus Cove is located west of Darwin Volcano on Isabela Island. Its name originated from a British warship that went through the islands in 1814 looking for the Galapagos tortoise for food. This was a favourite spot for pirates and whalers who etched their names into the cliffs and inside caves. Due to explosive eruptions that have occurred at the site, the substrate has a large amount of volcanic rocks of different sizes. Among the most common are small spherically shaped balls known as the "lapilli" or petrified rain.

A short, steep hike brings you past Darwin Lake, a deep saltwater lake and a great spot for viewing land birds such as ground and tree finches, hawks, large-billed flycatchers, yellow warblers and sometimes the woodpecker finch.

Fernandina Island / Isabela Island

AM: Espinoza Point

Espinoza Point is famous for its large colonies of marine iguanas and as the habitat of species such as the flightless cormorant, Galapagos penguin, Galapagos hawk and Galapagos snake. Other attractions include sea lions and Sally Lightfoot crabs. Espinoza Point is one of the best places to see the lava cactus. La Cumbre volcano dominates the landscape.

PM: Punta Vicente Roca

This is one of the most impressive and spectacular places in the enchanting Galapagos Islands, with high cliffs, tuff stone, ash and lava formations giving the area a majestic touch. Located on the north-western coast of the island, this large bay has a spectacular marine life with seahorses, sea turtles and the strange yet fascinating mola-mola or sunfish. It is a great place for snorkelling. It is common to see ‘’feeding frenzies” with groups of whales, dolphins, sea lions, tuna, blue-footed and Nazca boobies, pelicans and other marine birds all feeding simultaneously.

Santiago Island

AM: Playa Espumilla / Puerto Egas

Espumilla Beach is located on the northern coast of Santiago Island in James Bay. The beach is an important site for nesting marine turtles. A walk through the mangrove forest leads to a lagoon usually inhabited by a group of flamingos as well as pintail ducks and common stilts.

PM: Puerto Egas, Santiago Island

Named after Hector Egas who attempted to mine salt from the island, Puerto Egas is a long, black lava shoreline located on the west side of the island. The tidal pools are populated by fur seals and Sally Lightfoot crabs. Colonies of land iguanas are often seen basking in the sun. Birds include the Galapagos dove and Galapagos hawk, oyster catchers and the night heron.

The island's natural landscape features brown layered tuff stone and black basalt volcanic rock that creates apertures, crevices and natural bridges. Tours begin on a trail that runs along the coastline to one of the best tidal pool areas in the Galapagos. The black lava towers, basins and craters are filled with crystal-clear seawater.

Rabida / Chinese Hat

AM: Rabida

Rabida Island is unique because of the red colour of the rocks and sand. The volcanic material in this island is extremely porous and external factors such as rain, salt water and sea breeze have acted as an oxidizing agents.

A short walk along a trail leads you to a coastal lagoon behind the beach where you can observe land birds such as finches, doves, yellow warblers and mockingbirds. At the lagoon there is a colony of flamingos.

PM: Chinese Hat

Sombrero Chino is a small islet (1 sq km) located just off the south eastern tip of Santiago Island and composed of delicate lava and spatter cones. It is a recent volcanic cone, shaped like a Chinese hat when seen from the north side. It is an excellent site for interpretation of geological features such as lava tubes and lava flows. The landscape is covered by sea lion colonies, marine iguanas and Galapagos penguins.

Santiago Island

AM: Sullivan Bay

Santiago, also called James, or San Salvador Island, is located in the western central part of the Galapagos archipelago. It is the fourth largest island in the archipelago (following Isabela, Fernandina and Santa Cruz). Along with some of the large western volcanoes of Isabela and Fernandina, Santiago is also volcanically active, with many young flows and cones to be seen, particularly along the south, west and east coasts. A number of historic eruptions have been reported over the last 2 centuries. Lava is the main focus of the visit here with reddish-yellow tuff cones standing out in the middle of the lava flow and tiny Mollugo plants growing out of the fissures.

PM: Bartolome

Bartolome Island is situated across from Sullivan Bay. It has an altitude of 114 metres and is famous for its distinctive Pinnacle Rock. From the island’s summit there are spectacular views of Pinnacle Rock, the vast black lava flows at Sullivan Bay and the rest of Santiago Island. There are volcanic cones, lunar-like craters, lava fields and lava flows. There is very little vegetation on this island but the tequila plant grows here as does the lava cactus. Marine turtles are found here as well as a very small colony of Galapagos penguins.

Santa Cruz Island

AM: Bachas Beach

Bachas Beach is found to the west of Turtle Cove. The sandy white-coral beach is a major nesting site for sea turtles. There is a small lagoon behind the beach where it is possible to observe flamingos and other birds such as black-necked stilts, white-cheeked pintail ducks and whimbrels. There are the remains of a floating dock and old abandoned barges used by the Americans during WWII to be found here.

PM: North Seymour

North Seymour was created by seismic uplift, as opposed to being of volcanic origin and was formed by uplift of a submarine lava formation. It is fairly flat and the whole island is covered with low, bushy vegetation. The island teems with life and it is home to one of the largest populations of nesting blue-footed boobies and magnificent frigate birds. Blue-footed boobies perform their courtship dance in the more open areas and swallow-tailed gulls perch on the cliff edges. Despite the tremendous surf that can pound the outer shore, sea lions haul out onto the beach and can be found bodysurfing. Marine iguanas are also common and North Seymour boasts a large colony of land iguanas. Flocks of pelicans feed off shore, and Nazca boobies can also be seen.

Genovesa Island

AM: El Barranco

Genovesa Island is a horse-shoe shaped island formed from the eruption of a shield volcano. Also known as Prince Philip’s Steps, El Barranco has a steep rocky path leading up to a high cliff face. The cliffs are composed of very fragile lava and the natural erosion that has occurred in these lava flows has created the ideal nesting site for storm petrels. Red-footed, Nazca and masked boobies are all found here as are red-billed tropicbirds, short-eared owls and wedge-rumped storm petrels that are active during the daytime. During the panga rides along the cliffs, fur seals may be seen as well as several species of seabirds.

PM: Darwin Bay

The eventual collapse of one side of the caldera resulted in a submerged crater that formed Darwin Bay. The wet landing is on a beautiful white coral sandy beach. This is a favourite site for birdwatchers as red-footed boobies, masked boobies, wandering tattlers, lava gulls, whimbrels, yellow-crowned and black-crowned lava herons, swallow-tailed gulls and yellow warblers can be seen in the area.

The trail climbs gradually to the edge of the cliff where you may see red-footed boobies nesting in the mangrove trees below. Other birds to have been sighted here include sharp-beaked finches, large cactus finches, ground finches, Galapagos doves and Galapagos swallows. Reaching the end the trail at the cliff's edge offers an incredible view of the island and the many birds living there.

Santa Cruz Island / Santa Fe Island

AM: Plazas

Plazas is located at the east of Santa Cruz Island, and forms part of two islands known as Islas Plazas. Despite its small size, some of the most interesting and outstanding species of the Galapagos are found here. The South Plaza land iguanas are the smallest in the archipelago. Marine iguanas are also abundant, as well as an occasional hybrid, a cross between a marine iguana and a land iguana. They are unique, recognizable at first glance by their black/grey colour, with a land iguana's crest, but face and tail of the marine iguana. The large population of iguanas is due to the presence of tuna, their favourite food. Swallow-tailed gulls nesting in the rugged cliffs are seen along with other sea birds such as Audubon’s shearwaters, red-billed tropicbirds, frigate birds and brown pelicans.

PM: Santa Fe

Santa Fe or Barrington Island is a small, relatively flat island in the centre of the Galapagos archipelago. It is one of the oldest volcanoes. Santa Fe is home to two species endemic to the island - the Santa Fe land iguana and the Santa Fe rice rat. The Galapagos hawk, Galapagos snake and Galapagos mockingbird are also found here.

The visit begins with a wet landing at Barrington Bay. Sea lions are found on the beach here in large numbers. Along the trail many salt bushes can be seen as well as the giant Santa Fe Opuntia (prickly pear) cactus. Snorkelling is an option here, with great possibilities of snorkelling with playful sea lions and tropical fish.

San Cristobal Island

AM: Jacinto Gordillo Breeding Centre

In 2004 the Jacinto Gordillo Breeding Centre (named after the famous colonist) was inaugurated, located in the north east of San Cristobal Island, to care for the smallest tortoises on the island. The breeding program on the island began in 2008 with the hatching of the first tortoise in captivity.

After the morning excursion you will be taken to Baltra Airport for your flight to Quito or Guayaquil.



  • Discover the incredible wildlife of the Galapagos including turtles, rays, sharks, sea lions, a vast array of multicoloured fish and bird species, marine iguanas & the Galapagos tortoise. 

  • Undertake this voyage on board the Galapagos Seamen Journey, a luxury catamaran, making for an incredible sailing experience as you sail through the wonderful Galapagos. 

  • A Galapagos itinerary is easily combined with a land based tour of Latin America, allowing you to experience incredible natural landscapes, unique cultural encounters and incredible ancient histories of some of the oldest civilisations in the world.

Seaman Journey

Seaman Journey

M/C Galapagos Seaman Journey is an expeditionary first class catamaran that began sailing the Galapagos Islands in January 2008.  She is an expeditionary catamaran offering superior comfort, size, style, and stability.

This vessel, with a maximum capacity of 16 passengers, provides in each of its corners, areas for rest and recreation for everyone. For the adults who might want to relax and kick back, we offer a great bar and lounge area where they are served by our bartender who will be happy to attend to all their needs and desires whilst you relax.

The M/C Galapagos Seaman Journey, another jewel from the well known Galapagos Journey Fleet, the perfect combination of adventure, comfort, service and excellence! Please note that on board spending money is cash only. 

Ice Class: Length: 90 feet (27.6 meters)
Breadth: 36.08 feet (11 meters)Max
Draft: Cruising
Electricity: 110v and 220v AC/DC Passenger

View Ship Details


We believe that appropriate accommodation should add to the authentic travel experience, as well as providing utmost enjoyment. For that reason our accommodation is scrutinised by our staff on the ground frequently, ensuring the properties adhere to our high standards. This key will help you understand the levels of accommodation available on this tour.


Comfortable properties with dependable facilities and service.


Comfortable properties with dependable facilities and service.


Luxurious properties with impeccable facilities and service.


Optional Activities vary for each itinerary. Limited spaces available. Contact your Destination Specialist for pricing & availability.


Experience the unforgettable thrill and serenity of kayaking in Antarctica as part of a small, expertly guided paddling group.

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Pricing per person & date

Galapagos 11 Day Cruise | M/C Galapagos Seaman Journey from NZD 13,959
Selected Fridays


4 days

Quito Extension


3 days

Mashpi Cloud Forest Lodge Extension

Ecuador, Amazon

4 days

Amazon Anakonda Experience

Amazon, Ecuador

9 days

Signature Peru

Lima, Cusco and Machu Picchu

9 days

Signature Colombia


Important Information

  • All entrance fees are subject to change without prior notice.

    Please note kayak activities are subject to weather conditions. 

    Prices are based on per person, twin share* (unless otherwise stated) 

    Prices are correct at time of publishing but are subject to change at any time


    * Itinerary is subject to change depending on weather conditions and government regulations.


    Cabin accommodation on board Galapagos Seaman Journey
    All meals whilst on board
    Water coffee and tea
    All excursions 
    English-Speaking Naturalist guide
    Snorkelling equipment
    Kayak equipment



    Return airfares from mainland Ecuador 
    Galapagos National Park Entrance fee (US$200 per person from Aug 2024 - Subject to change) 
    Galapagos Transit Control Card (US$20 per person - Subject to change)
    Wet suit rental 
    Soft drink & alcoholic drinks. 
    Personal expenses
    Gratuities for crew/guides 

  • 2 (light adventure)
  • A single supplement surcharge applies and is subject to availability. Please contact us for more information.

  • Seasonality, fuel surcharges, currency fluctuations and availability at time of booking.